Introducing our high-res weather model

Our own weather model: The 1x1km Swiss Super HD

1x1km Swiss Super HD (Georgia, Temperature)

The meteorologists and weather model experts at The Kachelmann Group (which includes US-based WeatherOK Inc. with its brands and have developed a unique weather model - the 1x1km Swiss Super HD.

The 1x1km spatial resolution of the Swiss Super HD model is much higher than other operational weather models. Therefore, it is better able to “see” valleys, mountains, metropolitan areas, and coastlines, which in turn results in a more accurate forecast.

Currently, we run the Swiss Super HD model for various test regions across the globe. The model can be computed for every region in the world, including any topographic conditions, as we demonstrate you in the example maps below that show our predictions for regions like the Himalaya or the Philippines.

Why such a high spatial resolution?

A fine-grain spatial resolution helps to include small scale terrain features (e.g. in mountainous areas) much more accurately in the forecasting process. You can see at the comparison of the gritty GFS with our 1x1km Swiss Super HD model what a huge difference this makes in terms of local forecast quality.

Additionally, all dynamic physical processes can be displayed in greater detail, and therefore closer to reality. Together with the broad and deep knowledge of our model developers, who keep the model physics state-of-the-art, the 1x1km Swiss HD excels among other models.



Example Parameter: Temperature

GFS, Temperature, Georgia (US)

1x1km Swiss Super HD, Temperature, Georgia (US)

Along with the common meteorological variables (e.g. temperature, wind, air pressure, …), the 1x1km Swiss Super HD also computes a wide array of other variables such as wind speed in 100m (for Wind Energy customers), the Urban-Pollution-Index (to estimate the burden of pollutants like fine particles in the air), CAPE, and helicity.

GFS, Temperature, Germany/Switzerland/Austria

Swiss Super HD, Temperature, Germany/Switzerland/Austria

Model Comparison

GFS (Global Forecast System) & Swiss Super HD (Kachelmann Group)

The high resolution of the Swiss Super HD doesn’t just help with forecasts in more mountainous regions, it also helps to resolve the physical processes of storm systems, such as tropical cyclones, much more realistically. As a result, even small storm structures can be forecasted with the Swiss Super HD.

Example Parameter: (High Clouds) during Super-typhoon Nock-Ten on the Philippines

GFS (Global Forecast System)

GFS Forecast High-Cloud, Philippines

Swiss Super HD (Kachelmann Group)

Swiss Super HD Forecast High-Cloud, Philippines

Reality (Satellite Imagery)

Himawari8, satellite imagery, Philippines

Example Parameter: Precipitation during Super-typhoon Nock-Ten on the Philippines
The colored areas are those with high reaching clouds. The higher the clouds the more precipitation.

GFS (Global Forecast System)

GFS precipitation forecast, Philippines

Swiss Super HD (Kachelmann Group)

Swiss Super HD precipitation forecast, Philippines

Reality (Satellite Imagery)

Himawari8, Infrared-Cloud-Top, satellite imagery, Philippines

Our own Swiss Super HD on other parts of the world

Our own Swiss Super HD on other parts of the world

The Super Swiss HD has its home in the Swiss mountains, but can be set up and implemented all over the world (Himalaya, Manila, BC, United Arab Emirates, California, etc.).

This is only an extract of the various regions the 1x1km Swiss Super HD has been installed successfully:

Beijing (Urban-Pollution-Index)

Philippines (Precipitation)

Virginia (High-Clouds)

New England (Sunshine duration)

Oklahoma (Cloud-Top-Temp.)

Manila, (max. Radar reflectivity)

Northern California (Significant weather)

New South Wales (max. Temperature, 6h)

United Arab Emirates (Dew point)

Himalaya (Wind gusts)

Southern California (Radiation)

British Columbia (Snowfall)

Contact us for more details and pricing information.

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